“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on…”

– Albert Einstein

Create – Share – Connect

The tuka Story.

Creative industries have been totally disrupted by digital formats, yielding some good, some bad. Prices have collapsed due to the decrease in production and distribution costs and the explosion of new supply. Global demand has responded strongly. This should be great for consumers and creators, except it can also mean collapsing artist royalties and incomes, as well as an insurmountable challenge to connect audiences with content.


Link to Video

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we share our creativity and connect. Click here to watch the video…
The Obvious Problem:
The Vanishing Incomes of Creators and the Challenges of digital rights management and copyright.

Did you know that almost half of the music and video we consume is streamed and it takes almost 15 million streams on YouTube to earn the equivalent of the average monthly minimum wage of $1260? Did you also know the median annual income of Authors Guild members is $17,500 for full-time authors and $4,500 for part-time authors? Not to mention the costless duplication and distribution of digital content that promotes piracy.

But here’s the Real Problem:
Exploding supply makes it impossibly difficult and costly to connect artists with audiences or vice-versa.

You see, the true challenge of the digital world is Too Much Information. When we have too much of something, the price must fall. We also end up not being able to find what we want amid all the noise – as artists, fans, or consumers. These are not just problems for writers, musicians, and other artists, but for all of us as consumers of digital media. (Thinking about the digital oligopoly: Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon? Don’t worry, we’ll get to that.)

But we can fix this. With technology.

By creating a sustainable new online ecosystem that harnesses social network dynamics to reward curators of desired content to build audience networks, we can help innovative creators thrive, and reward all of us who like to create and share content just for fun. By saving creative industries, we inspire the creative impulse in all of us.

Our mission: Empower artists – Reward fans – Make the Connection.

Register and join us as a beta tester!

Read more…






Panel 1

…an ecosystem?

To understand how we can do this—to disrupt new technology with newer technology—is a complex challenge. To oversimplify, we should first think about why we humans started creating song, dance, and stories around a communal campfire in the first place.

Because the primary value of creative content is to connect us together through sharing networks.

We do this now when we play music live, when we discuss books. We do it with online friend networks, creating enormous value that’s reflected in the market valuations of major social media networks. We create this value by sharing information and forming connections, not through sales revenues.

The money transactions happen when other parties want access to these networks. The network servers are capturing most of that value now, but we, as creators and consumers, need to take the lion’s share back. How?

  1. We need an online creative media platform – a clearinghouse for content – where we can post, find, and curate content in order build out and manage our peer networks.
  2. We need a way to facilitate the monetary and non-monetary exchange of content among users.
  3. We need a way to track and manage all this information flow and control the value created.

The key to this sustainable creative ecosystem is to design a community network that curates itself through the interaction of its users. This helps solve the “Too Much Information” problem by generating promotion value for quality content that serves consumers’ diverse tastes.







Panel 2

3-part harmony?

tuka helps achieve these objectives with 3 integrated functions: social networking, P2P exchanges, and blockchain ledgers and tokenization, creating a networked ecosystem of data flows that can be monetized:

[Click on the graphic for more detailed explanations of these 3 functions on our blog and how Blockchain links it all together.]

This all sounds pretty cool, right?   BUT








Panel 4

…a solution emerges…

...here comes The Ask:

The most crucial element in this solution is you, the user. An information network doesn’t become valuable until a critical mass of users have joined and started to share and connect. Imagine Facebook without friends? This is the biggest challenge we face in trying to save the creative professions and markets. As we build this platform out, we need you, whether you are a professional creator, a consumer, a fan, a promoter or influencer, or an art enthusiast. Right now. Whatever you do, it has value in the creative marketplace and at tuka we hope to return that value to you.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: As a creative media ecosystem, tuka does NOT rely primarily on its users monetizing content, rather it relies on the love of creating, sharing, and connecting. The resulting information data network is what spins off value (i.e., sales, pull-ad revenues).

Remember - the most important question is: Do you love reading books, listening to music, viewing photos, watching videos?



  • Today - right now! -  all you need do is OPT-IN with your contact info in the form below and CONNECT to the tuka network. Soon you may also choose to become a BETA user as we build the platform and receive first cut on value that's created. We will stay in touch.
  • FOLLOW our BLOG to keep up with exciting new developments in the world of the digital economy, peer networks, and blockchain technology.
  • READ THE eBOOK  The Ultimate Killer App to discover how successful technology serves human psychology, social behavior, and economics. It all derives from the power to Create - Share - Connect. [Opt-in below, then Share on Social Media and receive a FREE pdf copy!]
  • SPREAD THE WORD...Creating and Connecting is all about Sharing. SHARE the tuka initiative with your peers through the Social Media links below. And Thanks!











Our Disclaimer.
At tuka we believe that your personal information, including your email, is your property. We reinforce these property rights by not sharing or exploiting any information you share with the tuka network. The idea behind tuka is that the aggregated value created by any network belongs to the network users to use as they see fit.

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