Put The Damn Phone Down and Do Something

This is a good interview with the Ben Silbermann, founder of Pinterest, published on Medium.

Some excerpts:

We’re social creatures. We need to connect with other people.

Pinterest is actually…it’s really about you. It’s about your tastes, your aspirations, your plans. There are other people there. Our recommendations are all curated by other users. The objective is not to do that [seek Likes]. That’s why it’s different than social networks.

sure, it’s fun to look at millions of ideas, but eventually, the real satisfaction and joy comes from giving it a shot. It might turn out great. It might turn out poorly. All of that is fine. We want to be the company that motivates you to put your phone down and to go try those things.

So, Pinterest is doing the right things to encourage engagement within the community. The next step of Web 3.0 is to distribute the network value they create back to the community of users. tuka will do that.

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